Just wanted to make you aware of some deals that are going on starting in January.
1. As always we have our Stamp of the Month which you can get discounted or even FREE depending on how your sales are.
2. January is National Papercrafting Month, and we have a huge deal for you.
With Close To My Heart’s announcement of January as National Papercrafting Month, this is the perfect time to celebrate all the fabulous things you can do with paper-related products. And our Constant Campaign promotional package will help you do just that! It’s a simple but dynamic combo: The beautiful new Key to My Heart paper packet, featuring all four of our luscious new colors, is accompanied by the E-size My Acrylix® Key to My Heart stamp set, a knockout collection of fashionable, elegant designs.
The great Key to My Heart kit has a retail value of $47.90 US / $59.95 CAN, but you can get it at a substantial savings or even FREE! Here’s how:
Spend $130/$160 and get the Key to My Heart kit FREE!
Spend $75/$90 and the kit is yours for just $20/$25
The campaign also has enticing opportunities for hostesses and new Consultants. Hostesses get the package FREE with a Home Gathering sales total of $400/$500 or more, and new Consultants who join Close To My Heart between January 1–31 will receive the kit FREE in their New Consultant Kit.
3. Also, I have another color challenge.

Come up with a card or layout using these colors (Buttercup, Cocoa, Crystal Blue, Sweet Leaf) by January 24th, and I will give you something from my stash. You can gain inspiration from pages 16-19 in the current idea book. If you purchase anything from pages 16-19 to complete this challenge I will give you a 10% discount. If you need to order anything for this challenge let me know. All you have to do is take a picture of your project, and send it to me through email at stephanieksmith78@yahoo.com. The winner will be chosen on January 31st by me and my wonderful downline, Cyndi. The winner will then receive the prize and bragging rights as I will display the winning project on my blog.
4. Just because I am such a nice consultant, I am giving everybody who orders something in January an additional 10% off. This gives you a chance to get more from that Christmas $$$ you received.
5. Also, don't forget our crop on January 24th. I will email you later with more details.